Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Girls

Happy Birthday sweet girls.
My girls weren't "perfect babies." But i wouldn't trade them for anything. 
Hazel, Lucy is looking out for you, and she always will.


The Reynolds said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful girls.

Sheridy said...

Happy birthday girls! Brought tears to my eyes, sorry I don't comment much, but I love to read your blog. I hope you guys have a great day!

The Coxclan said...

I love that last pic of Hazel. Happy Birthday! Lucy and Hazel are the best. One an earthly angel the other a heavenly one. Auntie Heidi loves you!

Tom/Tabitha said...

Happy Birthday to your precious little girls!

Christin Foscarini said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful girls!! I can't believe how big Hazel is looking! What a cutie!!