I know my kids are the only thing I write about anymore, but the truth is, they are the most interesting thing about me. I think about my kids constantly. I'm sad that we had to move them so far away from family. So for those of you who don't get to see my kiddies often, here's an overview....
This kid is trouble. He hoards apples and pears. He ate his own feces last week but won't eat anything I make him. He calls Chuck honey because that's what I call him. He knows all his letters and what they say but barely talks. He's all drama all the time. He hates when a lot of people are around, just like his crazy momma. I love that he's never shown any resentment towards his sisters. He tries so hard to be good but is so bad at it. We call him Little Boy or LB for short.
No that wasn't the feces he ate.
He's a beautiful little boy!
Jack's really cute (even if a handful at times)! Eden just saw these pictures of Jack and said, "Jack is my favorite friend!" I also love all of these posts on each child and their differences. You have a great way with words.
From what you say about Jack he sounds just like River...a handful and a total drama queen!! They are so stinkin cute though you can't help but love them!!
Oh, I haven't been checking in lately. I love all the pictures! I can totally tell which ones are old and which ones are new. Those babies are just growing up! Hazel looks so old in those denim overalls (Skirt?). I can't wait to see you guys again. It seems so long ago even though it was like 2 weekends ago.
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